Thursday 28 May 2015

A good Mom night

Last night was a good Mom night. 

Usually on my ‘single parent’ nights (when A is working late, or out) I rush around trying to get stuff done and organised, stick to a schedule and I always, ALWAYS end up stressed and frazzled and the poor tiny human does too. 

Last night was a beautiful spring evening – the sun was shining it was warm and lovely. We played in the garden and when we were done the tiny human had a long extra bubbly bath, even though it was an hour before ‘bath time’ – the bags remained unpacked, the dishes in the drying rack and toys out.
I didn’t check my emails when he was bathing, instead I took pictures of his adorable face and played with him…and when the grime and dirt of his very busy day was washed off and the bubbles were gone we got out and put on our PJ’s snuggled up on the sofa and watched Toy Story had bananas and milk and ALL THE CUDDLES. 

He happily went up to bed half an hour early and I managed to get all the ‘important’ stuff done once he settled down. 

I didn’t have to do one time out – there were no raised voices, just laughter and cuddles and good times. 

He is such a good reminder to me to slow down, and let go. Yes dishes in the sink stress me out – but they’ll get done eventually. And let’s be real, the Queen isn’t popping round any time soon. 

This tiny human of mine won’t be tiny for long, so here’s to more nights like last night. 

Less dishes and more cuddles. 


Saturday 23 May 2015

Saturday Selections 23.05.15

Watching: Not much this week but getting ready for the insanity that is Eurovision this Saturday!

Listening: Back on Spotify...forgot how awesome it was.

Reading: Mostly just blogs this week, and tumblr - full of the high brow stuff don't cha know

Wishing: White birks, these espadrilles and these jeans - I wanna SHOP

Loving: The warmth of the sun, honestly when it comes out and it beams that glorious heat down my mood is instantly improved

Doing: Excited about the long weekend and hopefully achieving balance with fun things and relaxing times!!

Making: Plans, camping and spa weekends and mini breaks and all sorts. 
Just got some Chia seeds, coconut oil, quinoa granola and COYO - we're starting to get the health stuff going.

a xxx

Friday 22 May 2015

Photo Friday

rose gold, leather, denim and leopard - and ALWAYS coffee

hot pink mani and ridiculous florl pjs - rockstar life

Fav' lil corner of the house this week

There is very little that a bit of pink bubbly can't solve

Saturday 16 May 2015

Saturday Selections 16.05.15

Watching: MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA! My evenings are complete for the next few months.

Listening: New OMAM – love love LOVE

Reading: Hey Natalie Jean – loving it so much.

Wishing: For a quiet weekend – I love keeping busy and we’re doing so many fun things, but I want lazy afternoons and causal naps in my life.

Loving: All the flowers in my house – they make me so happy and smell lush!

Doing: SO MANY THINGS – lots of mini house projects, garden stuff, normal life things etc etc everything is so busy.

Making: Trying to finish the mini sideboard/bar thing I’ve been redoing…it’s missing two hinges and locating the right ones has proved to be mission impossible
Too much right now – all the socialising is fun but bad for the waistline, I’ve defo gained back all the weight I lost in Feb/March…sad times…time to get back on track!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

a xxx

Friday 15 May 2015

Photo Friday

these smell so fab

temporary tats in GOLD - my new fav thing

Pimms o'clock

we let them out - promise!

just a casual walk with a two year old

seaside coffees and grey skies

beach walks with the boys