Wednesday 19 March 2014

Five years

So I’m doing that #fmsphotoaday thing from Fat Mom Slim as a reminder mostly to be looking out for things as I’m rushing to work, from work, on errands, around the house…rushing rushing rushing. It’s a word or phrase a day that reminds me to really slow down a little and look at things more.
Yesterday’s picture was ‘five years ago’…and it amazed me to think that five years ago I was freshly deported from the UK due to losing my job and as a result my visa. The recession (at least in London) was in full swing and I was 4,707 miles away from my fiancé. My life was in total turmoil. I was miserable and exited, sad to be away from London and happy to be home, I was separated from my life in London and my future husband…and also planning our wedding and our future together. It was a weird time for me.
Five years later feels like no time and tons of time has passed. I’m married (twice…to the same man), have a tiny human I’m responsible for, have changed jobs twice and bought a house to name a few things!  
I’m bad at ‘reflecting’ – at looking back…I’m so focused on forward, it is something I think I should take time to do more of.

a xxx

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