Wednesday 8 October 2014

Falling in to Autumn

So even though the weather people are forecasting higher temperatures by the weekend, we'd be kidding ourselves by thinking that we're not falling in to Autumn.

It's dark when wake up, and peeling the duvet off and crawling out of bed is getting harder and harder...the only thing that encourages the swift run downstairs is the promise of the boiler turning on and hot coffee.

The tiny human even needed encouragement to get out of bed today.

But with the dark, wet and cold mornings come all sorts of wonderful autumnal things that I cannot wait's a random list of the stuff I'm excited about over the next 6 weeks (before I can get properly excited about Christmas)!

1. Clear cold blue skies, crunchy leaves and long bundled up walks
2. Pumpkin everything (pie, pancakes, muffins, cookies, cakes, coffee, beer...everything)
3. Two Thanksgivings (one of the benefits of being half Canadian and half American)
4. Regular roast dinners and long Sunday lunches...(one of the benefits of being married to a Brit and living in the UK)
5. Puddle jumping with the tiny human - his excitement is contagious
6. Big cozy sweaters and BOOTS!
7.  Lots of hot drinks, mulled wine, winter Pimms, coffee, tea, big mugs of steaming yummy
8. Open fires - second year with real fireplaces in our house...can't wait!
9. Halloween - costumes, pumpkin carving, decorating the house and lots of candy
10. Visiting the pumpkin patch
11. Sofa snuggles with books and blankets
12. Pub lunches after long walks
14. Crafting
15. Lots and lots of red wine 

What are you excited about this Autumn?

a xxx

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