Saturday 29 November 2014

Saturday Selections

Watching: Life Story with David Attenborough - love him and this show. 

Listening: Lots of top 40 this week - makes the Tiny Human happy and to be honest, me too!

Reading: Lots of kid books this week - revisiting some of my childhood favorites and loving it.

Wishing: For some more clear, crisp, blue sky days. We had such a mild autumn and winter has come crashing in with darkness and damp and I've missed those glorious in between days.

Loving: Soup. All the soup. Chicken noodle and butternut squash have been consumed in ridiculous proportions this week.

Doing: Crafting and building and shopping...trying to get on the ball so I can really enjoy Christmas this year

Making: Lists. So many lists.
Eating: Soup...see earlier note! And lots of veggies - feeling like I need the nourishment this week.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

a xxx

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