Friday 31 July 2015

Photo Friday 31.07.15

Trains are fun!

Rainy summer days = indoor play areas becoming our saving graces

Gorgeo garden...sadly not mine

TOO EARLY! This is only acceptable if you're going on hols.

Football practice is his FAV'

Latte's make the world go round. Well my world.

Sunday 26 July 2015

The last supper...ish

So one of my bestist gals is moving back to 'Murca. I am in bits (obvs) and we're doing our best to pretend it isn't happening.

It was also her birthday (29, again!) in July so we decided to get together for one of our dinners.

As a gin obsessive and food fan I love Charlottes W4 on a Monday and as we're all Mommas and there isn't really every a 'Friday' anymore we decided to head on over for Gin School and the EDO (Early Dining Offer) which we loved!

So turns out EDO doesn't exist anymore - which is SUCH a shame as it was so brilliant and an amazing way to try out the menu, and for us early night eaters (holla mommas working and otherwise!) we frequented Charlottes for this exact reason. Instead they do a 'Market Menu' which is a bit cheaper and more flexible with the courses (priced for one, two or three) the menu choices are restricted (before it was anything you wanted!) and so are the choices for your included drink. Kinda lamesauce. To be fair to Charlottes all the food is brilliant and I have never eaten there and not thouroughly enjoyed my meal. But - part of the joy for me with the old EDO was the fact that unlike most other versions of this, the menu was the same, no restrictions so lots of opportunity to try new things.

The other thing that was kind of pants about it was the time - EDO went to 7 I believe (poss even 7:30?) but with the new Market Menu you need to order by 6:30 (they give you until 6:40 really)...and one of our party was running late (6:50) and they wouldnt let us order for her, or her order off the same menu when she that was kind of a bummer.

That being said the service there as usual was amazing. The staff at Charlottes are A*!

The Firkin Gin which was being featured at Gin School was DELICIOUS and is a must have (G&T with orange was brill, but even neat for the more hard core was fab). The whiskey and gin combo is warming and refreshing and really really different, truly special!

The food was yums - pics to follow (dodge phone ones but you know...)but for reals EDO or not get your butt there for dinner and cocktails - everything is beyond!

The Pit Stop - drank my fair share of these - totes yum. And grapefruit! Superfood, right?

Gin cured salmon - I'm a sucker for a theme!

Pan Fried Hake with clams, spring onion and garden peas

Brioche doughnut, apple compote, salted caramel and calvados cream
Let me level with you - that doughnut is enough of a reason to get yourself there...I can't even. Shame they don't deliver :(

So much fun (too many drinks the next day took some extra concentration!) with my bishes and I cannot recommend Charlottes enough (even with the vanished EDO!)...GO GO GO!


Saturday 25 July 2015

Saturday Selections 24.07.15

Watching: Gossip Girl – I know. But seriously I can’t stop.

Listening: To whatever Spotify tells me to, I’ve been too preoccupied to bother giving it direction.

Reading: Mags and blogs – favs this week are (as usual) the team at A Beautiful Mess and Kendi Everyday – that girl never gets it wrong!

Wishing: For sleep! This weekend is looking to be a quiet one, and with the next MONTH booked up I’m hoping to have naps and cuddles and lots of chill time!

Loving: My bed…haha noticing a theme? I actually loathe our mattress…but anytime I can get looking at the inside of my eyelids is time well spent!

Doing: Lots of cleaning and organising this weekend…we have a leaving dos and house guests (YAY!) and a baptism to plan so taking the social scene quiet time as an opportunity to get all this stuff sorted!

Making: Working on the photo book I promised myself I would complete the minute we got back from Canada…in March.
Lots of Italian this week…so I’ve ordered Japanese for myself tonight…need some protein and veg in a bad way

a xxx

Friday 24 July 2015

Photo Friday

two of my favourites from my favourite

had a hot coffee in my pjs on Sunday morning - ALONE!! T'was awesome.

This kid and his penguin. I tell you, it's true love

One of many 'Pit Stops' at dinner on Monday

Two of my best bishes.

Canadian Tux styles at the duck pond

a full on day of filming for work in the most gorge house

Saturday 18 July 2015

Saturday Selections

Saturday Selections 

Watching: Parks and Rec – we’re late to the party but totally loving it.

Listening: 90's R&B - love me a mix tape this week.

Reading: Nothing right now – and I’m wishing I was – I have a few books on the to read list…

Wishing: For the hot weather back, this muggy damp gross hotness is stressing me OUT.

Loving: The summer storms – when we’re inside of course. The lightening and claps of thunder remind me of my childhood summers in Washington camping…some of the most amazing storms ever.

Doing: Super super busy at the mo’ life just seems to be all consuming nonstop manicness  

Making: Progress on the cross stitch – pulling together plans for the next project and hoping to get all my crafting stuff organised in a way that I can do it more often without it taking forever to dig out my supplies!
Salads of all description – Asian noodle with all sorts of spiralised veg seems to be a regular fav though – SO easy!  

a xxx

Friday 17 July 2015

Photo Friday 17.07.14

Exploring with no fear...I however am FREAKING OUT

This is new and DELICIOUS

Pool dayz

Football is FUN times

fab cards from my fab non card buying sister

Friday 10 July 2015

Photo Friday 10.07.2015

Surrey from the RAF Memorial

RAF Memorial

'Swimming' @ West Wittering

Chichester Cathedral

Lunch time views

Sunset beach strolls

Splashing in the waves
