Saturday 25 July 2015

Saturday Selections 24.07.15

Watching: Gossip Girl – I know. But seriously I can’t stop.

Listening: To whatever Spotify tells me to, I’ve been too preoccupied to bother giving it direction.

Reading: Mags and blogs – favs this week are (as usual) the team at A Beautiful Mess and Kendi Everyday – that girl never gets it wrong!

Wishing: For sleep! This weekend is looking to be a quiet one, and with the next MONTH booked up I’m hoping to have naps and cuddles and lots of chill time!

Loving: My bed…haha noticing a theme? I actually loathe our mattress…but anytime I can get looking at the inside of my eyelids is time well spent!

Doing: Lots of cleaning and organising this weekend…we have a leaving dos and house guests (YAY!) and a baptism to plan so taking the social scene quiet time as an opportunity to get all this stuff sorted!

Making: Working on the photo book I promised myself I would complete the minute we got back from Canada…in March.
Lots of Italian this week…so I’ve ordered Japanese for myself tonight…need some protein and veg in a bad way

a xxx

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