Saturday 18 July 2015

Saturday Selections

Saturday Selections 

Watching: Parks and Rec – we’re late to the party but totally loving it.

Listening: 90's R&B - love me a mix tape this week.

Reading: Nothing right now – and I’m wishing I was – I have a few books on the to read list…

Wishing: For the hot weather back, this muggy damp gross hotness is stressing me OUT.

Loving: The summer storms – when we’re inside of course. The lightening and claps of thunder remind me of my childhood summers in Washington camping…some of the most amazing storms ever.

Doing: Super super busy at the mo’ life just seems to be all consuming nonstop manicness  

Making: Progress on the cross stitch – pulling together plans for the next project and hoping to get all my crafting stuff organised in a way that I can do it more often without it taking forever to dig out my supplies!
Salads of all description – Asian noodle with all sorts of spiralised veg seems to be a regular fav though – SO easy!  

a xxx

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