Saturday 1 August 2015

Saturday Selections

Watching: Wall-e – HOW, HOW have I not seen this?? Defo not hangover friendly but such a sweet movie with all the feels…

Listening: New Mumford and Sons – different to old Mumford and Sons and I like it!

Reading: Contracts and work stuff – so boring.

Wishing: For summer to come back. Where has it gone? This new weather is craptastic.

Loving: My planner – never been as excited for a random day (27 July Holla!) in my life.

Doing: Birthday celebrations kick off for the hubs on Saturday, mixed with leaving do’s and other life stuff…all of the tiny humans activities are done for the summer now though, so we’ve regained a TON of weekend time. YAY! 

Making: Space, clearing up and trying to get organised. IT’S SO HARD.
Made a killer chili with spicy peppers from Sous Chef – delicious.

a xxx

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