Friday 16 October 2015

Photo Friday 16.10.15

Ireland is pretty

He's becoming a good little traveller - as long as we have Nemo

Belfast being gorgeous

Timmy Ho's in Europe - best reason for an emergency U turn

A church  in b&w

Saturday 19 September 2015

Saturday Selections 18.09.15

Watching: Fear the Walking Dead - only watched one episode so far, it's good...but frustrating. I feel like it's happening in current times yet no one seems to know what a zombie is...EVERYONE knows what a zombie is!!!

Listening: Podcasts, a whole buncha different ones, but Grace Helbig is always a good idea!
Reading: Emails - clearing out my personal inbox has proved to be a total nightmare. Who needs an email from the GAP from 2012? Apparently I do.

Wishing: For a new phone, mine is donezo. Thought by taking all my pics off it would sort itself out, turns out it hates everything still! Do I get an iPhone? I dunno. I need something that works though.

Loving: My hubs! together for SEVEN YEARS. Which feels like basically forever.

Doing: Going to the Rugby today in Cardiff - GO CANADA!!!

Making: Labels and space we bought clear boxes and we have a mission to start getting the loft organised.

Eating: As many meals together as a fam as much as's not easy and not as relaxing as having adult dinners - but I valued this time with my family as a child and as I'm home earlier now we have the opportunity to do this which is really lucky!

a xxx

Friday 18 September 2015

Photo Friday 18.09.15

Lunch on a train

Bad luck perhaps, but he was SO excited, we couldn't not!

Loose on the underground

Me...with lovely light and bored eyes.
Have a lovely weekend!

a xxx

Saturday 12 September 2015

Saturday Selections 12.09.15

Watching: The Americans - LOVE this show so much. Keri Russell is absolutely perfect in this role.

Listening: Finally have a radio on at work...I love having a soundtrack to the day!
Reading: Recipes, we've got about a bajillion apples to do something with.
So reading up on all the options beyond pie, crumble and sauce!

Wishing: For some new black ankle boot things..I need to do some research and a proper wishlist for these.

Loving: My car - but I wish I was a more confident driver here! I can do my commute without totally freaking out now (four days in a row!)

Doing: Learning how to drive on the wrong side of the road - I didn't properly realise how much it would mess with me! And roundabouts! WTF?!?!

Making: My Mom is sending me a recipe for apple butter - going to try to do that on Sunday!

Eating: Roast dinners - had our first one last Sunday and loads of leftovers all week. So there it is prematurely or not, roast season has started!

a xxx

Friday 11 September 2015

Photo Friday 11.09.15

Naps with my boy.

Children of the corn...but less creepy!

Standard eye gauge direction giving.

Beautifully branded chocolate.

Starbucks working (and gold chevron...LOVE)

Beautiful beautiful London

Have a lovely weekend

a xx

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Visits from family and other non internetty times

My sister was here for just over two weeks (which is just under a million weeks too short if you ask me). And means I've not done any blogging for quite some time. Basically I was having too much fun, and pouring myself in to bed each night totally utterly exhausted in the best possible way.

I LOVE having her here, and I wish more than anything that she still lived in the UK (why oh why can't commonwealth citizens move freely between countries!?!?)

Although the last few visits we've had from her have been a lot about her spending time with the tiny human - there has also been a lot of sistor time. Shopping, eating, drinking and chatting...just so much chatting. The time I get to spend with her is SO valuable and happens so rarely - it's amazing how quickly it goes every single time.
Park life
We went to a few of our fav' places to eat...drank a LOT of bubbles and gin and did ALL THE SHOPPING.

train trips to London
She's gone back to Canada now to do her last year at Uni (smarty pants!) and we all miss her so much. Tiny Human has been asking after her everyday, and was really confused when he saw her on Skype with my Mom just days after she was in our living room.
Shopping anxiety attack....too many cute things....

Thankfully we're seeing her at Christmas so not long to wait (but if you ask me she should just move in already).


Saturday 22 August 2015

Saturday Selections 22.08.15

Watching: The Fall – Gillian Anderson OMG total babe. Plus it’s on the edge of your seat and brain engaging mystery stuff – loving it!!!

Listening: Would you judge me if I said the Magic Mike XXLSoundtrack? No? Good!
Reading: Martha Stewart Living!!! My perfect sistor brought a mag over for me and I am in HEAVEN.

Wishing: Grey skinnies, motorcycle boots and chunky knits – uhm hello? This weather has got me all AUTUMN IS HAPPENING!!! Even though it is totally still August and I’m not ready….I AM NOT READY.

Loving: I bought this ridiculous candle from Zara home and I’m in love.(*update it's not there anymore...this one is similar but mine is all gold and croc skin textured)

Doing: Hanging with my sis – we’re parking and shopping and day drinking and sun bathing and it’s all sorts of fabulous to have her here.

Making: Getting decorations ready for the baptism party on Sunday.  

Eating: Chia pudding – based off of Deliciously Ella’s version. Sprinkling flax seeds etc. on top and whatever berries are to hand. It’s YUM.

a xxx

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Open letter to emoji makers/creators (!?!)

I love an emoji. We’ve all seen the thing on HuffPost about which country uses which one the most (the results make me SO proud to be Canadian), and the research (questionable!) out this morning about how ‘LOL’ ‘WTF’ and other acronyms of text type are being used less and less in favour of the good, new fashioned emoji! 

To be clear, and full disclosure, I don’t have an iPhone. I’m a bit of a tech-phobe – but I have a deep underlying love of an emoji. 

So here’s what I’m thinking we need:

  • Pie. We need a pie emoji. Not an English savoury pie – Fruit Pie (not bothered which type…) either a whole one or a slice. We have pie day every year (two I think!) and who doesn’t love pie.
  • One more on the baked goods front – a cupcake. Obvs.
  • Wood. So a log or something in that vein. The number of picture based messages that having an option for ‘would’ would (ha!) have helped with are countless.
  • A WTF face – there isn’t a face that I fell fully gets across the ‘WTF’ that I would like. This is a key factor in my daily conversations so really, a non-negotiable.
  • A bottle of wine. Yes there are glasses, but let’s be real…who ever only drinks a glass? And I don’t need help picturing how many glasses I’m actually consuming.
  • Eyeroll – there are the big googly eyes, and at a push I’m sure you could get by. But why do I have to type *eye roll* in these technologically advanced times, why is that necessary?!?!?
  • A hipster (or something dictating hipster…moustache, black framed glasses etc).
  • Crossed fingers – HOW IS THIS NOT A THING YET?!?!?!
  • A puking/green faced person. You know when you’re hungover, or something gross has been discussed in the convo and you’re not SARS mask contagious but you feel YUCK! Something for that.
  • Shots – or a shot glass. I’m seeing a theme here, booze and baked goods. But seriously for reals. Sometimes everyone just needs a shot.
  • Cheese. How do we not have a cheese emoji. Everyone likes cheese (or everyone worth knowing anyway). How am I supposed to invite people to a wine and cheese night through pictorial representation without a cheese emoji.

This might be part one of … a few. Let’s be honest – there is no shortage to the number of emoji variations we should have.

a xxx

Saturday 15 August 2015

Saturday Selections 15.08.15

Watching: GBBO is BACK! YAY! Love it big time. I think I’m going to be firmly rooting for the Fireman – he’s hilarious!

Listening: The wheels on the bus. Honestly – we sing this song ALL THE TIME. So I’m balancing it with some James Bay as this weather is making me melancholy.  

Reading: All the light we cannot see – literally started it today, so no opinion yet…will update accordingly!  

Wishing: For a suitable dress to wear to a baptism. I cannot find a bloomin thing that fits the bill. White jeans, flats and flowy tops abound but not a single approp dress for a baptism. Lame.

Loving: My new mascara – Bourjois volume glamour push up – it’s been on for seven hours and not a crumb or an itchy eye. Plus it kind of smells like roses…and its totes cheap.

Doing: Prepping for a VIP guest – getting the house sorted for my gorgeous sister who arrives on Thursday! Also trying to make space for our new (to us) tumble dryer. Never in my life did I think this was going to be something I thought was a treat. But HALLELUJAH!

Making: Total GBBO inspo – doing some baking this weekend. Haven’t decided what, but something, feels ages since I baked,

Eating: Not greatly I must admit. With so much going on it’s been a week of ‘what’s in the freezer, what can we make with what’s still in date in the fridge’ and ‘how many take-aways is too many’ NAUGHTY. Must do better.  

a xxx